• Patient Survey Results

    Dear Patients

    Thank you to those who participated in the Patient Survey we recently conducted in order tocollect feedback from our patients.

    We have now completed our analysis of the feedback and would like to share some of the findings with you.

    Overall, we found that:

    Majority indicated they are happy with the practice and services provided.
    Majority indicated they are happy with the service received from our administration staff

    We are very pleased to report that most patients Strongly Agreed with the following aspects of our practice.

    Reception staff were professional in dealing with me
    The clinician at my last visit treated me with respect
    The clinician explained the purpose of tests and treatment and allowed me to have final choice about tests and treatments
    The practice team works well together

    As a result of the feedback collected from our patients, we are planning to make some changes to improve the services and care we provide.

    We are actively seeking more GPs to work with us
    We are looking in to SMS or email appointment reminders instead of phone calls

    We will give you more information about these changes when we have finished our planning so you can see how your feedback is helping us improve.

    Thank you again for your valuable contribution. We look forward to continuing to provide you with quality healthcare.



    Management, Doctors and staff

    Pier Street Medical


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